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Important Announcement Regarding the Regents Exam

Dear Families and Students,

We are writing to provide you with important information regarding the upcoming Regents Examinations. Please read the following guidelines carefully to ensure a smooth and successful testing experience.

Electronic Devices Policy

The possession or use of any communication device is strictly prohibited during the examination. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Cell phones
  • Earbuds and headphones
  • Smartwatches
  • iPads, laptops, and other electronic devices


  • If you have or use any communication device during the examination, even briefly, your exam will be invalidated, and no score will be calculated for you.
  • All electronic devices will be collected during scanning and returned at the end of the examination.


Testing Day Expectations


  • Arrive early to allow time for scanning and check-in.
  • All tests will begin promptly at the scheduled time. Students arriving late may be denied entry and will not be allowed to take the test.

Student Identification

  • Student IDs: All students must bring their school-issued ID to the exam. If a student does not have their ID, they must see Mr. Kaps to obtain a new one before the Regents Date. Replacement IDs cost $1 (cash only).

Regents Invitation:

  • All students have received their Regents invitation. Please bring this invitation with you. It includes the date, time, and room number for your exam.

Testing Location:

  • Students must remain in their assigned testing location until the full exam time is completed.
  • Early dismissal is not permitted. Please ensure no prior arrangements are made that would require leaving the exam early.

Food and Drinks:

  • No outside food or drinks are allowed in the testing room. (School snacks will be provided) 
  • Please eat before arriving to ensure you are prepared for the exam.

Exam Requirements and Graduation Impact:

Regents Exams are mandated state examinations that are a critical part of graduation requirements. If your Regents requirements are not fulfilled, you will not graduate on time.

Questions and Assistance:

If you have any questions or concerns about the exam, please speak with your guidance counselor immediately.

Important Reminders:

  • There are NO MAKE-UP DATES for Regents exams.
  • Arrive on time and be prepared.

We appreciate your cooperation in helping ensure that all students are successful on these critical exams. Thank you for your support in making this process as smooth as possible.